ONLINE: PhotoBook Making with Tom Wagner October 10-31 :: 6-8 pm CST

In this class we’ll work together to  select and organize a first draft of a photobook that can be self-published on an online platform or printed at home and hand bound (not included in the course or course costs). 

Sharing a book of your work is much different than sharing a weblink. Book-making brings the digital world to the physical world, something absent from websites or online media. 

By controlling the scaling, texture, size, and color, the book-maker chooses the pacing, the feel, the mood, and the experience of the journey of the images.

SESSION DATES (6:00 pm-8:00 pm CST):

October 10

October 17

October 24

October 31

ZOOM LINK WILL BE PROVIDED one week before start of course.

Tom Wagner is an award-winning photojournalist and photographer who has worked in more than 30 countries on assignments for Time, Fortune, ESPN, Newsweek, Der Spiegel, as well as for corporations and nonprofits. 

He has made more than 40 photobooks and continues to add to his personal collection of over 200 photobooks by famous and not-so-famous makers.




ONLINE: Story Craft: VOICE with Victoria Reeves October 9-November 6 :: 10am-noon CST


IN PERSON: The Abecedarium Project Book Arts Course with Craig Jobson October 1-November 4 :: 6-9pm CST