Join us for a free writing workshop!

Evanston Made and Hive Center for the Book Arts are pleased to present a FREE fiction writing workshop for Evanston residents with our dear friend Brandy O'Briant, who you might know as the former owner of Page 1 Books!

Brandy is an MFA Candidate at Northwestern, and she has graciously agreed to partner with us to present this FREE writing workshop to our interested members!

Have you ever curled up with a good book that transported you out of your world into a spectacular place, filled with interesting characters, situations, and ideally, meaning? This course intends to help you examine how published authors use various elements of craft. It will also offer you the opportunity to try different methods for yourself.

June 21-August 17, 2023 ----- 7:30-9pm on Zoom ----- No class on July 5th

To register, head over to this google form:

LIMITED TO TEN PARTICIPANTS, so you'll want to register ASAP to take advantage of this unique opportunity!


Join us for Buzz Words: Writers’ Block