Introducing Parallel Play!

Join us for Parallel Play! open studio sessions, where we will gather to  work side by side on our own individual bookish projects. Think of Parallel Play as an opportunity to work independently on your bookbinding or collage (or whatever!) with camaraderie, connection, and support from like minded folks. 

Parallel Play provides you with dedicated time and space to MAKE. You get to choose what you're going to work on during your time in the studio. Snacks, coffee, tea, wine, and sparkle water will be provided to participants.

Bring whatever supplies you think you'll need for your project---some materials will be provided (think: glue, various book cloth and papers, linen thread, collage materials, paper cutters, awls, Xactos, self-healing mats, bone folders, and various random supplies).

Though we will absolutely support you in what you're working on, offering advice and binding technique reminders if needed, this is non-instructional time. Participants will never be pressured to share what they're making, but there will be accolades and loud cheering for those who do.

Parallel Play! cost is $15 per hour, with each session lasting 3 hours ($45 total for each session). This will purchase our refreshments, cover cost of provided materials, and help us build our Hive Fund.

Space is limited to 7 participants per session.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for upcoming Parallel Play! sessions. 

Once you've reserved your slot(s) for Parallel Play, we'll email you with the location and even more details!


CRP Taster Sessions March 18+25, 2024


Writers’ Block is BACK!