CRP Taster Sessions ::: May 20 + June 24 6:30-8:30 pm
Artists, Makers, Art-Lovers, Educators!
Do any of these describe you?
-Currently looking for useful creator-centered feedback for a work in progress, at any stage of development?
-Not currently working on anything but love art, have a keen eye, and an open heart toward helping other artists make their best work?
-Interested in finding an artists community/discussion group?
-Curious about Critical Response Process (CRP) but not ready to commit to a month's course?
Hive Center for the Book Arts and book & paper artist and educator Leah Mayers are offering two online taster sessions this summer!
May 20 & June 24, come to one or both. $10 each. 6:30-8:00 PM CST
Email if you are interested in bringing a piece of artwork (in any discipline) or an idea that you'd like to discuss.
The artist's questions and concerns drive the feedback session, consent is key, we only talk about what the artist wishes to address.